Bathroom Remodels
Rain showers, copper bathtubs, hot tubs, saunas, Jacuzzi’s, heated shower floors, shower benches, senior adaptations – we remodel bathrooms, build new showers or construct as necessary. Bathroom remodels are a great way to add value to your home and make the space more cozy!
Nursery Builds
When the time comes, a nursery rhyme or lullaby can be the difference between getting some rest versus not. Let’s build a nursery that caters to it. Babies aren’t babies forever, but during this stage – comfort and safety are a must.
Ever looked at dirty, stained, chipped, maybe even broken cabinet and thought yuck! We have. No one likes that. Time to fix it. From simple knob or handle changes, to complete tear down and rebuild, Team Remodeling & Painting Co does it all.
Kitchen Remodels
Fancy a river kitchen sink? Time for a new backsplash? Need a kitchen island? Is the breakfast bar too narrow? Team Remodeling & Painting Co can help with that. A remodeled kitchen can make a huge difference when hosting.
Home Additions
Home additions include garages, rooms, sheds, covered porches, greenhouses, sunrooms, makes way for bigger rooms and storage. You design it, we make it happen. Home additions also add value in the way of extra footage.
Garage Revamp
With a perfectly organized garage, a lot can be accomplished. As a workstation, garages have been the birthplace of genius. Let’s encourage the ingenuity. What if a garage revamp ends up being the base of new discovery?